Migrants- Mandamados


Family Name: Patselli 
Name: Maria 
Year of Birth:    1939
Father's Name: Andonios (Napi)
Mother's Name:   Eleni Sougiourtzi (Mandamados)
Siblings:  Efstratia (Koresi)
Year of Arrival in Australia: 1960
Sponsor: Georgios Vagas (my fiance at the time) 
Married:   Georgios Vagas (Napi)
Children:  Elpiniki, Ioannis
City of Residence:  Melbourne, Australia
Livelihood:  Factory Hand- Australian Gov't Clothing Factory 


Above: A portrait. 

Above Right: At the panygiri of Agios Ioannis. In the top row are: Dimitrios, Efstratia and Maria. In the bottom are: my sister, Efstratia, Katina, Thalis Limneou and myself. 


Above: With my cousin, Niki, and Stefanos Mihailaros.

Above Middle: Leaving our village for Australia. L-R: Anna Komtselli; my sister, Efstratia; my mother, Eleni; myself; my aunt Stella; Irini Patselli; Vasiliki Patselli; and my aunt Ekaterini. The young boy is aunt Stella's son, Ioannis. 

Above Middle: With Anna Komtselli. 


Above: On my wedding day, with my husband, Georgios.

Above Middle: With my husband, Georgios, and our daughter, Elpiniki. 

Above Right: With my husband, Georgios, and our children, Elpiniki and Ioannis.