Migrants- Polyhnitos


Family Name: Argiriou 
Name:  Katina 
Year of Birth:  1943
Father' Name: Panagiotis 
Mother's Name:    Angeliki 
Siblings:    Efstratios

Year of Arrival in Australia:

Sponsor:      Efstratios Kavalekas (my fiance at the time)
Married:       Efstratios Kavalekas (Polyhnitos) 
Children: Maria, Angeliki (Malle) 
City of Residence: Sydney, Australia
 Livelihood:   Dressmaker


Above: My maternal grandparents, Katerina and Georgios Gavriil, and their daughter– my mother, Angeliki.

Above Right: This photograph is with my younger brother, Efstratios, at school.

Above: This is at my engagement, outside my parents’ house. From left, we are: my parents, Angeliki and Panayiotis Argiriou; my father-in-law, Dimitrios Kavalekas; me; my mother-in-law, Maria Kavalikas, and Stella and Giorgos Bertsias.