Xmas Picnic 2010

Dear Friends,

Antissian Picnic

We will be having our Annual Picnic on Boxing Day this year, Sunday 26th
December at Carss Bush Park. (Look for the big Antissian Association of
NSW banner)
We encourage you to bring along your friends and family for a fantastic
day of good company, cricket, football, much fun and laughter.
Please bring your picnic baskets with Christmas Day left over's and the
association will provide refreshments on the day.

Santa Claus will be making an appearance with gifts for the children.
(So please RSVP with name and age of child so they don't miss out).

We look forward to seeing you at the picnic!

Membership Renewals

If you have not done so already, the Antissian Association of NSW
membership is now due ($10.00). We encourage everyone to support the
association through payment of membership. If you would like to make a
contribution, please transfer your funds to the below details with your
name or forward cheques to PO Box 488, Marrickville NSW 2204

Account Name:             Trustees of the Antissian Association of
Sydney & NSW Limited

BSB Number:                082-356

Account Number:          036787458

As this is the last email for 2010, on behalf of the Antissian
Association committee, we would like to wish you and your family a very
Merry Christmas and a Prosperous and enjoyable New Year. May 2011 bring
you much health, wealth and above all happiness.


John Loukadellis

President - Antissian Association of NSW