Syndesmos Draws Enormous Media Attention

 Syndesmos Draws Media Attention... and finally, some Action

January 26, 2016

Following Syndesmos’ recent article on the Mytilenian Brotherhood of Sydney’s AGM, the website has subsequently received enormous media response- especially from President of the Mytilenian Brotherhood John Spanellis' radio program on Monday.

As a result of the article, some encouraging steps have been already taken to rectify some of the arising problems from AGM.

We have been informed that the President of the Mytilenian Brotherhood of Sydney called the member who had been threatened with violence by another member while he was speaking at the AGM members. He apologised for this Member's misconduct. 

In a more important development, Syndesmos’ article has been the catalyst for bringing the issue of the Mytilenian Brotherhood’s future to the foreground of discussion which will hopefully lead to constructive developments.

It was important to move away issues such as Canterbury Council’s threats of fining the Mytilenian Brotherhood for disturbing its neighbours, as stated in a recent newsletter, the heaviness of carrying tomatoes to Mytilenian House and Committee Members needing repairs to their cars for driving up gutters near the House.

With the issue of the Mytilenian House’s future now out in the open, we wish the Committee and Special Committee, which resulted at the AGM, all the very best in examining how solve some of the Brotherhood’s problems. We wish them all the very best..  

At Syndesmos, we wish to thank John Spanellis’ support over the years; since his examination of the article on air yesterday, there has been an increase of visitors to the website, so it is invaluable exposure and 'advertising'. 

As a result of all this attention, and so many calls of support over the last week, Syndesmos will be looking at some of the Mytilenian Brotherhood's problems a lot more closely in future features.