A Xmas Cheer for the Needy
The Macquarie Group Foundation, who are supporters of the Antissian Association of NSW, requested volunteers to assist with the Spastic Centre Christmas Party held at the Centre's Terrey Hills venue on 6th December 2008.
Association President, John Loukadellis, who is also an employee of Macquarie Bank, was one of the volunteers who represented not only
John's presence on the day has resulted in a future fund raiser for the Spastic Centre being planned by the association and potentially matched by the Macquarie Group Foundation dollar for dollar. John stated, "Next year's Spastic Centre Christmas party will see more involvement by the Antissian Youth to this great cause, as we aim to assist and give back through community involvement programs throughout 2009".
Above: John is first from the right , as a cook. Courtresy of John Loukadellis.