Palesviaki Enosis of Melbourne and Victoria- Taverna Night

Saturday, March 19, 2008

Submitted by Vasilios Roumeliotis

Melbourne’s Mytilenian community continued to be enthralled and entertained by the most-talented musical group of Agiassos Cultural Centre, “Anaptixi” with a Taverna Night organised by the Palesviaki Enosis of Melbourne and Victoria at the Mytilenian village, Bayswater.

 For over five hours, members and guests danced the night away in what will be remembered as an unforgettable night of music and dance. Many people there stated such a exciting and entertaining atmosphere- created by the band- had not been experienced at a Mytilenian function for “many, many-a-year”.

Palesvaiki Federation President, Giorgos Stavrinos, specially thanked the Presidents of two Cutural Associations from Lesvos: Mr Gerasimos Venetis from "Pano Skala" Mytilene and Mr Kleanthis Koromilas from "Anagnostirio" Agiassos for organizing the tour, and all the band members who gave up their time to travel across the world to entertain Mytilenians of the diaspora.


Above: Three photographs from the memorable Taverna Night.

It should be also noted that “Anaptixi” played the following day in front of thousands of Melbournians at the Antipodes Festival, where they played and sang traditional Mytilenian and Asia Minor songs.


Above Left: Mersina Sofiadeli (from South Africa) dancing. Above Right: Louis and Georgia Trandalis (from Sydney) and friends. 

Editor’s Note: Congratulations to Palesvaiki Federation President, Giorgos Stavrinos, and his Committee for organising such a successful tour. Not only did “Anaptixi” play at the Festival Of Ouzo and Taverna Night, but the Mytilenian musical tradition was played and sang to the broader Greek and Australian communities during the Antipodes Festival. Bravo…!!!!