Migrants- Vatousa

Family Name: Kaitatzi
Name: Mersina
Year Of Birth:  1939
Father' Name: Georgios
Mother's Name:   Meropi Mihalakelli
Siblings:  Eleni (Papahatzi)
Year of Arrival in Australia: 1958
Sponsor:    Dimitrios Mamatsis (my fiance at the time)
Married: Dimitrios Mamatsis (Vatousa)
Children:  Ioannis, Meropi, Georgios
City of Residence: Sydney
 Livelihood: Dress-maker


Above: At Agios Yiannis, Rema (1954). I am in the front row, wearing the glasses. Mersina's

mother, Mersina (Kougious) is second from the right in the back row. 

Above: Mersina with her husband, Dimitrios, and her grandchildren from left

Dimitris, Paraskevi, Mitsos, Dimitra, Costas, Jim and Mersina.