Migrants- Plomari

Life Story

Family Name: Trantallis
Name: Doukas (Louis)
Year Of Birth:  1935
Father' Name: Panagiotis
Mother's Name:   Maria Pitsiladis
Siblings:  Irene (Sophiadellis), Pelagia (Roumeliotis), Daphne (Hiotellis)
Year of Arrival in Australia: 1954
Sponsor:    Doukas Trantallis (my cousin)
Married: Georgia Voutos (Katastari, Zakynthos)
Children:  Maria, Madgalene, Panagiotis
City of Residence: Sydney
 Livelihood: Small Business- shops, taxi


Above Left: My parents, Panagiotis and Maria, with my sister, Daphne.

Above Right: I"I learnt the trade as a barber. My uncle, Vangelis Sanidas' dream was to bring me out

to Australia because Charlesville (in Queensland)- where he lived at the time) did not have a barber. Circa 1949


Above Left: "In 1959, I bought a fruit shop in Chinchilla (Queensland) off Jim Miller (a Kytherean). It was a town

of cattle stations and wheat farms". Louis Trandallis

Above Right: In the Mytilenian Brotherhood of N.S.W's Committee (1981).  Louis is standing third from the right.

Louis held a position on the Committee for many years.


Above Left: With his wife, Georgia, at a Mytilenian Brotherhood of NSW Dance (2009)

Above Right: At the same Dance (as above) and with friends. From left, they are: Efstratios Tamvakeras, his cousin

Doukas Trantallis, Dimitrios Liakatos and himself.