Migrants- Agiassos
Family Name: | Koutskoudi |
Name: | Androniki |
Year Of Birth: | 1947 |
Father' Name: | Georgios |
Mother's Name: | Vasilia Keramida |
Siblings: | Efstratia (Koskeridi) |
Year of Arrival in Australia: | 1972 |
Sponsor: | Efstratios Savvas |
Married: | Efstratios Savvas (Agiassos) |
Children: | Maria, Vasilia, Hariklia |
City of Residence: | Sydney |
Above: Family and friends. From left: Maria Gounaris, Iraklis Anastasellis, my mother, Vasilia, myself, Mihalis Komaitis and his mother, Stavroula.
Above: With Stavroula Komaitou, and her children, Xanthipi and Mihalis. I am on the left.
Above: With school friends, Eleni Pergamali (left), and Eleni Vagianna (right).
Above: Painting at our Community's apartment. From left, we are: Savvas Biris, Maria Englezou, Toula Rougellis, Athanasia Giataganelli, myself, Stratis Savvas (my husband) and Mihalis Christofaris.
Above: In Melbourne, with my three daughters- Hariklia, Vasilia and Maria.
Above: At rehearsals for our Carnavale. From left, we are: Toula rougellis, myself, Athanasia Giataganelli, Maria Karpouzi, Maria Englezou, and Marianthi Savva.
Above: My parents, Giorgos and Vasilia, with my children, Maria, Vasilia and Hariklia. My parents came to Ausralia for a holiday in 1980.