OuzoFest10: Let the Good Times Roll
Ouzo Flows in Melbourne’s OuzoFest
By Stavros Kritikos
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Lesvos’ most famous ouzos was highly promoted and enjoyed at the Annual OuzoFest, held by Pallesviaki Enosis of Melbourne and Victoria at the Mytilenian Village, Bayswater, Melbourne.
Despite the unstable weather conditions, the Festival was a great success with hundreds of members and guests enjoying a whole day of ouzo, mezedes and music. With all the merriment and festivity, a unforgettable atmosphere was created.
Above: And a great time was had by all....
Above Right: Sydney's Eleni Papahatzi belts out a song.
What added to Festival’s success was the presence of several representative groups from interstate and international Lesvian associations- Sydney, Canberra, Adelaide and New Zealand. It was truly a fantastic, as well as emotional, experience to see sso many Lesvians coming together for such an memorable event.
The Festival was officially opened by Pallesviaki Enosis’ President, Panagiotis Dimitriou, as he welcomed members and guests, wishing everyone a wonderful day.
Above: The Ouzo kepts flowing all day...
Above: Pan-Lesvian Federation President, Georgios Stavrinos, President and Vice President of Sydney's Mytilenian Brotherhood, Stavros Kritikos and Lefteris Samios, enjoy the great afternoon.
Panagiotis address was followed by speeches made by the Pan-Lesvian Federation of Australia and New Zealand President, Georgios Stavrinos and other representatives of the Lesvian groups from interstate and New Zealand.
The Festival’s success was based on the organiser’s excellent planning and co-ordination throughout the day, as well as the constant flow of ouzo, delicious mezedes, a traditional dancing group, and a band who continually played until the end of the day.
With such success, all Lesvians wish the Festival enjoys further success. KAI TOY XPONOY!!!
All photographs courtesy of Stavros Kritikos
For more photographs: Photo Gallery