Migrants- Agiassos
Family Name: | Georgandis |
Name: | Panagiotis |
Year of Birth: | 1934 |
Father's Name: | Grigorios (Agiassos) |
Mother's Name: | Victoria Evangelinidi (Agiassos) |
Siblings: | Konstantinos, Efstratia (Sklepari), Sophia (Kalotzoglou), Zographia (Koulouri), Prokopios, Vasilios, Konitsa (Axiomakarou) |
Year of Arrival in Australia: | 1962 |
Married: | Erifili Panani (Agiassos) |
Children: | Grigorios, Victoria |
City of Residence: | Sydney, Australia |
Livelihood: | Cleaner- Royal Women's Hospital |
Above: The Georgandis family. Top row are: Kostantinos, Prokopios, Vasilios, Sophia, Efstratia, Konitsa, myself and Zographia. Sitting are: Victoria and Grigorios.
Above Right: During National Service, I served in the Infantry.
Above: My mother, Victoria, with my brother, Konstantinos, and my nieces, Ekaterina (Sklepari) and Myrsini (Kalantzoglou).
Above Right: Piraeus, 1962. I am migrating for Australia. To farewell me is Dimitrios Kondourellis (right). I travelled with the British ship, Himalaya.
Above: Katoomba, 1962. With friends. I am first from the left.
Above Right: After a successful catch, with two jewfish
Above: With my wife, Erifili, in our garden.
Above Right: With my family: my son, Grigoris and his wife, Susannah; myself; my wife, Erifili; and my daughter, Victoria.