Migrants- Paleohori


Family Name: Loupos
Name: Vaios
Year of Birth:  1943
Father's Name: Ioannis (Paleohori)
Mother's Name:   Evangelia Halaka (Paleohori)
Siblings:  Andonia (Gangadelli), Papadoula (Jaric), Irini (Paramitha) 
Year of Arrival in Australia: 1969
Sponsor: Papadoula Loupos (my sister)
Married: Sultana Mavragani (Paleohori)
Children: Ioannis, Maria 
City of Residence: Sydney, Australia
Livelihood: Small Business


Above: My parents, Evangelia and Ioannis.

Above Right: Since twelve years old, I lived in Athens. In this photograph, I am working in a fruit shop in Halandri.


Above: During my National Service in Kavala, Kara Orma Base.

Above Right: My sister, Irini.


Above: My first job in Australia was in the country town of Hilston. My sister, Papadoula, was working there at the time.

Above Right: With my wife, Anna.


Above: Celebrating New year in Adelaide, with my sisters, Papdoula and Irini. Standing are: my sister, Irini; my wife, Anna; and my sister, Papadoula. Seated are: my brothers-in-law, Panagiotis and Jack, and I am in the middle.

Above Right: My father, Ioannis, with my son, Ioannis, during one of our visits to Greece.


Above: With my grandson, Vaios.