Migrants- Kalloni


Surname: Simeon
Name:  Olga
Year of Birth:  1941
Father' Name: Stavros (Kalloni- Kerami)
Mother's Name:    Panagiota Zinoviou 
 Siblings:    Sappho (Lepidou)

Year of Arrival in Australia:

Sponsor:      Angela Varnava (my cousin)
Married:       Nikolaos Moshous (Samos)
Children:  Panagiota, Emmanouil 
City of Residence: Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia
 Livelihood:   Machinist- Sewing 


Above: Outside our house. L-R: myself; my godmother, Olga Hatzidiakos; my mother, Panagiota; our neighbour, Maria; and my sister, Sappho.

Above: As a child with my godmother, Olga- standing first from left- and her friends, Erasmia and Falia.


Above: In Mr Douramanis' 5th Grade Class. I ma in the front row, 3rd from left. The photograph was taken at our school.

Above: With my godmother, Olga, and my sister, Sappho.

Above: Piraeus, 1960. Leaving for Australia. L-R: my cousin, Despina Simeon- holding her daughter, Efrosini; my sister, Sappho; my mother, Panagiota; me; and a friend.