Migrants- Agia Paraskevi


Family Name: Soropos
Name: Nikolaos
Year of Birth:    1930
Father's Name: Georgios (Aivali, Asia Minor)
Mother's Name:   Efterpi Mistgniotou  (Agia Paraskevi)
Siblings:  Ignatios, Konstantinos, Stavros
Year of Arrival in Australia: 1955
Sponsor:    Stavros Soropos (my brother)
Livelihood: Small Business- shops
Year of Return to Greece:  1967 
Married:  Marianthi Papadimitriou (Agia Paraskevi) 
Children:  Efterpi, Kostantinos
Place of Residence: Agia Paraskevi, Lesvos, Greece


Above: Visting Greece, 1967. L-R: my mother, Efterpi; myself; my father, Georgios; Ariadne Dimitraka; Panagiotis Dimitrakas; Maritsa Dimitraka; my brother, Konstantinos andhis wife, Elati.

Above Right: Dancing with friends. L-R: Haralambos Katzos, Efstratios Panousos, Dimitrios Menemenios, myself, Haralambos Giannakis, Paraskevas Drakoulas and Socrates Kretzas.


Above: At Allambra kafeneio with friends. L-R: unknown, Paraschos Drakoulas, Dimitrios Menemenios, Efstratios Panousos, Haralambos Katzos, Efstratios Alvanos, Socrates Kretzas, myself, Haralambos Giannakis, and Georgios Mihailaros.

Above Right: My mother, Efterpi, with my mother-in-law, Maria Papadimitriou and Ariadne Dimitraka.  


Above: With my wife, Marianthi, on the R.H.M.S Patris

Above Right: Recreation on the deck of the Patris. 


Above: Moree, north New South Wales. In our delicatessen, with Haralambos Katzos and his son, Andonios. I owned the business from 1965 until 1972. 

Above Right: At my wife Marianthi's Citizenship ceremony in Moree. With my wife, Marianthi and our children, Konstantinos and Efterpi.