Migrants- Lisvori

Family Name: Argirelli
Name:  Eleni
Life:  1922- 1988
Father' Name: Komninos
Mother's Name:    Spyridoula Panseliniadis
 Siblings:    Konstantinos, Efstratios, Thomas, Ioannis

Year of Arrival in Australia:

Sponsor: Emmanouil Asproloupos (her fiance at the time)
Married:       Emmanouil Asproloupos (Neohori)
Children:      Vasilios, Spyridoula, Mylia, Georgios
  City of Residence: Sydney
 Livelihood:   Small Business- Cafes, Fish Shop

Above: Her father, Komninos, and her brother, Ioannis.

Above Right: After her engagement to Emmanouil Asproloupos. She is standing first from the left, while her future sister-in-law, Irini, is next to her, and her brother, Kostas, is sitting first from the left.

Above: On her wedding day.

Above Right: Eleni and her husband dancing at a family occasion.

Above: With her son, Vasilis.

Above Right: Randwick, 1962. In the top row are: Amalia Panselinos, Chryso Zerveli, herslef and Lemonia Panseliniadis. Sitting are: Ioannis Panselinos with his children, Ekaterina and Dimitrios.

Above: Her children- Mylia, Roula and Giorgos.