Migrants- Akrasi


Family Name: Caldis 
Name: Emmanuel  
Year of Birth:      1910-2000
Father's Name: Stephanos (Akrasi) 
Mother's Name:   Amerisouda (Akrasi)
Siblings:  Maria (Aligianni), Arhondoula (Sotirhos), Irini (Tamouras), Panagiotis, Grigorios (Gregory), Venizelos (Ven), Georgios (George)
Year of Arrival in Australia:
Year of Arrival in New Zealand:
Married:  Ekaterina (Kaity) Moraitou (Mandamados)
Children:  Mersyna, Stephan, Anne
City of Residence: Timaru and Wellington, New Zealand
Livelihood:  Small Business: Fish & Chips shop



Above: His parents, Amerisouda and Stephanos. 

Above Right: A portrait taken while serving in the New Zealand Army during the Pacific War against the Japanese. 


Above: With his wife, Ekaterina (Kaity), and Despina and Michael Yiasoumi. 

Above Right: With Peter Matsis, and his children, Stephan and Mersyna.  


Above: With his wife, Ekaterina (Kaity) and their children, Anne and Stephan. 

Above Right: With friends. L-R: his wife, Ekaterina (Kaity), Emmanuel himself, Erasmia and Ahilleas Asproloupos, Emmanouil Asproloupos, Mathew, and Maria and Michael Asproloupos. 


Above: With his wife, Ekaterina (Kaity) and their daughter, Anne, in London's Trafalgar Square.

Above Right: With his daughter, Anne, in Akrasi. c1961.