Migrants- Filia


Family Name: Kamberis
Name: Ignatios
Year of Birth:  1948
Father's Name: Vasilios
Mother's Name:   Maria Karamoutsou
Siblings:  Angeliki (Dalkirani)
Year of Arrival in Australia: 1971
Sponsor:    D.E.M.E. Gov't Sponsored Program
Married: Angeliki Smyrnioti (Sparti)
Children:  Vasilios, Maria, Nikolaos 
City of Residence: Sydney 
Livelihood: Self-Employed Painter 

Above: This is a phtograph of my baptism, with Father Dimitris, and my mother, Maria (Karamoutsos). Incidentally, my godmother was Calliope.


Above: With my cousin, Paraschos Karamoutsos. 

Above Right: This photograph was taken just after I was discharged from the army. I am on our village’s water tank, overlooking our village.