Words and Images of Australia Migrants from Lesvos
Journeys of Uncertainty and Hope
Vasilis Vasilas’ first book Journeys of Uncertainty and Hope is a book that captures and depicts the journey of migrants from the island of Lesvos, who migrated to Australia in the 1900s. This collection of photographs and stories is the culmination of Vasilis Vasilas’ work over the last four years and follows the successful photographic exhibition Home of the Heart: Lesvos and Migration, during the Lesviaki Evdomada at the Mytilenian House in November 2009.
Through photographs and stories, Vasilis captures the uncertainty and hope of the migrants’ courageous journey to Australia and provides an insight into their emotions and thoughts, which were in stark contrast to the images portrayed in the photographs of those who left their birthplace for a better way of life in a new homeland, Australia.
Associate Professor Vrasidas Karalis, Department of Modern Greek Studies, University of Sydney, together with (to be announced), willjoin Vasilis Vasilas for the launch of this unique publication.
Date: Friday 18th June
Time: 7.00pm
Venue: Mytilenian House
225 Canterbury Road, Canterbury, NSW 2193
Cost: Free Entry
Refreshments Served
Contact: Stavros Kritikos 0428 162 893