Migrants- Plomari


Family Name: Simos 
Name: Nikolaos  
Year of Birth:   1938
Father's Name: Georgios (Plomari)
Mother's Name:   Evdoxia Aftosmi (Plomari)
Siblings:  Panagiotis, Aspasia (Fotinou), Mary (Mamakou)
Year of Arrival in Australia: 1964
Sponsor:    Aspasia Fotinou (my sister)
Married:  Irini Armenaka (Plomari) 
Children:  Georgios, Exdoxia 
City of Residence: Sydney, Australia
Livelihood: Sydney Waterfront- Forklift Driver


Above: My parents, Georgios and Evdoxia.

Above Right: As a baby, with my mother, Evdoxia (right) and my sister, Mary (child), and I am in the pram.


Above: Playing guitar- with "Tsemelikis" and Christos (on the left).

Above Right: At the panygiri of Holy Trinity at Plagia. Kostantinos Vounatsos (left) and I are at the front.


Above: A portrait.

Above Right: Engaged with Irini Armenaka.


Above: Working on Sydney' s Waterfront, where I worked there for over twenty years (1970-1993).

Above Right: With my wife, Irini, and our children, Evdoxia and Georgios.


Above: With my mother, Evdoxia, during our holiday in Greece.

Above Right: With my wife, Irini, and grandchildren.