Migrants- Vatousa


Family Name: Papoutsis
Name:  Georgios
Year Of Birth:   1937
Father' Name: Stavros
Mother's Name:    Fotini Mihalakelli
Siblings:    Minas, Syntagmatiki (Karaja)

Year of Arrival in Australia:

Sponsor:      Stelios Kazabis (Vatousa)
Married:       Akimini Papoutsa (Vatousa)
Children:      Dimitrios, Evangelia, Grigorios
City of Residence: Sydney
 Livelihood:   Small Business- Take Away


Above: My parents, Stavros and Fotini.

Above Right: In my fields, at gour'nas, with my helper, Thomas Ninas.


Above: Celebrating Easter in 1964. We are at the Fanaras residence in Erskinville, Sydney.

Above Right: In our home- Union Street, Erskinville. The neighborhood was full of Greeks, and many were Mytileneans.


Above: Working in a textile factory, McEvoy St, Alexandria. I am second from the left and my wife, Akmini, is next to me.

Above Right: With his wife, Akmini (Mini), and three children, Stavros, Maria and Dimitris.