Migrants- Agia Paraskevi

 Life Story: Electra Sarika

Family Name: Sarika 
Name: Electra
Life:  1914- 2009
Father' Name: Ioannis (Agia Paraskevi)
Mother's Name:   Efterpi Papadopoulou (Agia Paraskevi)
Siblings:  Anna (Karakonstanti), Georgios, Panagiotis, Maria (Raptelli), Dimitrios
Year of Arrival in Australia: 1939
Sponsor: Dimitrios Sofianos (her husband)
Married:  Dimitrios Sofianos (Agia Paraskevi)
Children: Anna, Efterpi (Effie), Ekaterina (Kathleen)
City of Residence: Barraba (New South Wales), and Sydney, Australia
 Livelihood: Small Business- Monterey Cafe, Barraba


Above: My parents, Ioannis and Efterpi, with my siblings, Maria, Dimitrios, Panagiotis and Anna. I was already in Australia whenn the photograph was taken.

Above Right: My mother, Efterpi, with her children, Maria, Anna, Georgios, myself and Panagiotis, Dimitrios is in the front. 


Above: A school photograph. Our teacher is Kalliope Koulmanda. I am in the front row, second from the bright. Some of my friends are also in the front row: Eleni Stefani (second from left), Elli Giannakidou (fifth from left) and Eleni Dimitraka (third from the right). 

Above Right: With my fiance, Dimitrios Sofianos, at the panygiri of Agios Haralambos. 


Above: With my husband, Dimitrios, and our daughters, Effie, Anna and Kathleen. 

Above Right: Barraba, 1963. With my sister-in-law, Mary Sarika (nee: Koulmanda) at the counter of the Monterey Cafe.

Above: Easter Celebrations. With my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.