Migrants- Agiassos


Family Name: Demirgellis
Name: Amerisouda (Mary)
Year of Birth:   1937
Father's Name: Nikolaos
Mother's Name:   Erifili 
Siblings:  Mihail, Xanthoula (Kasabakis)
Year of Arrival in Australia: 1958
Sponsor:  Irodotos Hatzifotis (my fiance at the time)
Married: Irodotos Hatzifotis (Agiassos)
Children:  Stavros, Efrifili (Fili)
City of Residence: Sydney


Above: A portrait of my father, Nikolaos. He was President of Agiassos in 1924-25.

Above Right: My mother, Erifili (sitting on the right) and her sister, Irini (on the left). Standing from left are: my sister, Xanthoula; our cousins- Mihalis, Myrsini, Sophia and Vasilis and their father, Vasilis Karagiannis. The photograph was taken at p'gad


Above: A portrait

Above Right: At my engagement party at Hatziravdellis' "parko". From left, we are: my mother, Erifili; my future mother-in-law, Filixo Hatzifoti; myself; my future father-in-law, Stavros Hatzifotis; Angelis Economou and his daughter; and my sister, Xanthoula.  


Above: My sister, Xanthoula, Dina, and myself.

Above Right: With my husband, Irodotos Hatzifotis.


Above: Agiassos, 2003. From left, we are: my brother, Mihalis;my brother-in-law, Vasilios Kotsabakis and my sister, Xanthoula; my sister-in-law, Irini; myself and my husband, Irodotos.