Villages- Skopelos

Family Name: Karavatakis
Name: Nikolaos
Year Of Birth:  1942
Father' Name: Georgios
Mother's Name:   Persephone Pirdellis
Siblings:  Aspasia (Koukouli), Maria (Zafiriou), Panagiotis, Sultana (Karagianni), Petros, Penelope (Giannaros)
Year of Arrival in Australia: 1965
Sponsor:    Sultana Karagianni (my sister)
Married: Alexandra Gouras (Port Said, Egypt)
Children:  Georgios, Savvas, Petros
City of Residence: Sydney
 Livelihood: Small Business


Above: My parents, Giorgos and Persephone (Pirdellis). Circa 1968

Above Middle: At Papados kafeneio, Rebeta, with friends. From left, we are: myself; Eustratios Afaloniatis, Stavros Afaloniatis and Mihalis Voulgellis.

Above: Easter, 1963. Our infantry unit was at Argos Oristiko, Kastorias, at the time. 


Above: With my wife, Alexandra and our three children, Giorgos, Savvas and Petros.

Above Right: With my wife, Alexandra, and our children and grandchildren. From  left, we are: myself, holding my grandaughter, Georgina; my wife, Alexandra with our grandaughter, Alexandra; Petros and his wife, Tracey; Savvas and his wife, Yvonne, with their son, Nikola; Giorgos and his wife, Effie. In the foreground is Savvas' daughter, Kristen. Since this photograph, Peter and Tracey have had a son, Christian, and Giorgos and Effie have had a son, Andreas.