Migrants- Plomari


Surname: Roumeliotis
Name:  Vasilios
Year of Birth:  1956 (born in Athens)
Father' Name: Stergios (Plomari)
Mother's Name:    Eugenia Laskari (Stavros)
 Siblings:    Ioannis, Dimitrios

Year of Arrival in Australia:

Children:  Stergios, Maria 
City of Residence: Melbourne, Australia
 Livelihood:   Self-Employed Painter


Above: Athens, 1965. I am with my mother, Eugenia- who is holding my brother, Ioannis; my granfather, Ioannis Laskaris- who is holding my brother, Dimitrios. I am next to my brother, Ioannis- wearing white.

Above Right: Here I am with one of my football idols, Mimis Domazos (centre), of Panathinaikos. The other player is Vagis, who played for Egaleo and Panathinaikos, We are at the nighclub, Deilina, on a Special Night for Professional Players (1977). 


Above: As a radio commentator on the Greek program, 2NBC. I worked on the stattion for six years. I have also worked as a sports journalist for the Kosmos newspaper and currently at the Hellenic Herald.