Migrants- Mytilene


Family Name: Samios
Name: Erato 
Year of Birth:  1932 
Father's Name: Ioannis (Mytilene)
Mother's Name:   Anthipi Sgourelli (Afalona)
Siblings:  Eleftherios, Erifili (Pispini)
Year of Arrival in Australia: 1955
Sponsor:    Eleftherios Samios (my brother)
Married: Georgios Koukides (Thrace)
Children:  Sophia, Ioannis, Eleftherios
City of Residence: Sydney 
Livelihood: Small business- mixed business shop 


Above: With family and friends;  I am second from the right- with my younger sister, Erifili; my father, Ioannis, is in the middle; my mother, Anthipi, is fourth from the right); and my brother, Eleftherios is first from the left.

Above Right: With my friend, Stratoula.


Above: With my husband, Giorgos.

Above: Family and friends. From left, we are: myself, Eleni, Giorgos (my husband), Ioannis, Eleftherios (my brother) and Fotini (my sister-in-law). 

Above: At my son Ioannis' baptism. From left, we are: myself; my mother, Anthipi- who is holding my son, Ioannis; my father, Ioannis; my husband, Giorgos- with our daughter, Sophia; and our koubaro, Mihalis Dimitriou.