Migrants- Vatousa

Family Name: Kapetanellis
Name: Andonios
Year Of Birth:  1933
Father' Name: Nikolaos
Mother's Name:   Sophia Fanara
Siblings:  Vasilia (Samara), Eralou (Vavladelli), Aristides, Gavriil, Pandelis
Year of Arrival in Australia: 1964
Sponsor:    Eralou Vavladelli (my sister)
Married:   Anna Psani (Vassilika, Lesvos)
Children:  Sophia, Nikolaos
City of Residence: Sydney
 Livelihood:  Kitchenhand (hospitals)

Above left: On the left is my father, Nikolaos, during the Asia Minor Campaign (Easter, 1921)

Above Right: A portrait of my mother, Sophia (Fanaras).


Above Left: From 1949, I had moved to Athens for work. In this photograph, I am with some fellow villagers.

From left, we are: Minas Romios, Baltzis, myself, Kostas Papoutsis- who was also my employer at a tailor shop. Squatting is Christos from Skalohori.

Above Right: Working at a dry cleaning shop(1954). On the right is my employer, Giorgos Sourtis.


Above Left: With my wife, Anna, and our children, Sophia and Niko.

Above Right: With my grandchildren, Andonios, Vanessa and Claudia.