Antissians Dig Deep for Great Cause
Sunday, April 11. 2010
On Sunday 11th April, the Antissian Association of NSW held a fundraiser for the Jayden Trust at the Mytilenian House in Canterbury.
Above: Two photographs of President, John Loukadellis, and his Committee, in full swing during the Auctions.
“I would like to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who attended and helped us raise an outstanding $10,365.00 to assist Jayden through this challenging period in his life,” stated Antissian President, John Loukadellis.
Above: Messrs Havas, Dalgitis and Loukis in the engine room of the function.
Above Right: Mytilenian Brotherhood President, Stavros Kritikos, and members of the Progressive Community of Agiassos' Committee- Vice President, Georgios Savvas, and Committee Member, Maria Englezou.
“I would also like to extend a massive THANK YOU to the Macquarie Group Foundation who will be matching this amount dollar for dollar. An excellent community effort by all attendees and everyone who helped make a difference.”
Above: Secretary, Panagiotis Dalgitis, at the Ersetelos table.
Above Right: Dimitrios Giannakelos' table having a great time.
If anyone would like to make a donation to the Jayden Trust, please send John Loukadellis an email at, so he can provide you with the details.
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