Villages- Paleokipos


Family Name: Senta
Name: Myrto (Mili)
Year of Birth:   1944
Father's Name: Ermolaos
Mother's Name:   Sophia Hatziralli 
Siblings:  Maria (Lagi), Efstratios 
Year of Arrival in Australia: 1951
Sponsor:    Ermolaos Sentas (my father)
Married: Apostolos Vasiliou (Loutra)
Children:  Mersini, Marinos
City of Residence: Sydney, Australia
 Livelihood: Small Business- Delicatessen

Above: With my paternal grandfather, Eustratios Sentas.

Above Middle: With my sister, Maria.

Above Right: My father, Ermolaos, withhis brother, Nikolaos.


Above: With my mother, Sophia, outside our family business, Castle Hill Cafe. My parents had this business from the late 1950's until the mid- 1960's.

Above Right: A wedding photograph (1963). Dancing with my husband, Apostolos (Paul) Vasiliou.


Above: With my husband, Paul, and our daughter, Mersini.

Above Right: With my son, Marinos.

Above: Mersini, with her family: husband, Vasili Zoioglou; and her children, Ekaterina (Catherine)and Apostolis (Pablo).