Migrants- Megalohori

 Life Story

Family Name: Ververis  
Name: Panagiotis    
1911- 2000
Father's Name: Ioannis (Megalohori)   
Mother's Name:   Permathia Pandelleli (Megalohori) 
Siblings:  Maria, Kleanthis, Kleoniki (Sotirhou), Irini (Moutzouri)
Year of Arrival in New Zealand: 1930
Sponsor:    Linardis Apostolos (Plomari)  
Married: Maria Vounatsou (Megalohori) 
Children:  Mercina, Ioannis, Dimitrios  
City of Residence: Wellington, New Zealand 
Livelihood: Small Business- Cafes and Milk Bars



Above: His parents, Permathia and Ioannis. 

Above Right: A portrait of his mother, Permathia. 


Above: A portrait as a fifteen year old teenager.

Above Right: Kavala, 1928. At the time, Panagiotis worked at the Akteon Hotel. 


Above: Wellington, 1939. With his wife, Maria, and his sister, Keloniki. 

Above Right: Outside Wellington Zoo. L-R: his sister, Kleoniki-holding his son, Dimitrios; his wife, Maria; his son, Ioannis; Panagiotis himself; and his daughter, Mercina.  


Above: After a hunting trip. 

Above Right: With his wife, Maria.