Migrants- Agia Paraskevi


Family Name: Komninakis (Comninakis)
Name: Stavros  
Year of Birth:  1933
Father' Name: Efstratios (Agia Paraskevi)
Mother's Name:   Paraskevi Koutrou (Agia Paraskevi)
Siblings:  Panagiotis 
Year of Arrival in Australia: 1949
Sponsor: Panagiotis Mihailaros (Agia Paraskevi)
Married:  Anna Sofi (Australian-born of Agia Paraskevitan parentage)
Children: Paraskevi, Electra, Efstratios
City of Residence: Sydney, Australia
 Livelihood: Small Business- Cafe, Restaurant


Above: The Comninakis family (and Mersina Gavrilellis standing on right). I am standing on the left. This photograph was taken on the last day before I left my village.

Above Right: My mother, Paraskevi- with her friend, Mersina Gavrilelli- do their knitting in the Kafkara neighbourhood.


Above: In the White Rose Cafe in Forbes with Eleni Mitchell (Mihailarou) and her niece, Klio Mitchell (Mihailarou). Eleni and her husband had sponsored me to Australia and I worked for them for a couple of years.

Above Right: At the Excelsoir Cafe in Tumut- which i owned with Livanos (Leo) Giannakis. L-R: Panagiotis Koufinas, Panagiotis Drakoulis, myself and Livanos. We owned the Excelsoir for several years (1954- 1961).


Above: Tumut, 1956. At the back of the Excelsoir with friends and having a good time. L-R: Ioannis Stratigellis, Ioannis, myself, Ioannis Limberiou and Ioannis Karapatsas. 

Above Right: At the Excelsoir with my wife, Anna (left) and, Livanos and his wife, Evangelia.