Two Busloads and a Day of Laughter and Fun
Autumn Heats Up for Sydney's Agiassiotes
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Warragamba Dam seems to have become one of Sydney's Agiassiotes' favourite destinations as the Progressive Community of Agiassos organised another excursion there.
On a picture- perfect sunny day, two busloads of members and guests travled to western Sydney's Warragamba Dam to enjoy a whole day of great company, fresh air and beautiful natural surroundings.
Above: Sydney's Agiassiotes pose for a group photograph;
Above Right: Everyone dug into the lunchtime feast.
During this year's visit, the group was allowed to get close to the actual Dam. Members and guests were allowed to view the entire area from one of the nearby lookouts, giving them a spectacular, panoramic view.
One of the highlights of the day occurred during lunch when Giorgos Kefalas offered the group some of Lesvos' finest ouzos, transforming the lunch into a party of good humour and fun.
After Warragamba Dam, the group was taken to the Nepean River, where they enjoyed bushwalking and relaxation by the river.
Above Left and Right: Everyone enjoys the fine food and company.
"It was a quick one-day excursion, where veryone thoroughly enjoyed it. It was wonderful to everyone in such good spirit. As long as people are so satisfied with such excursions, we will continue doing them," stated Community President, Nikolaos Savvas.
All photographs courtesy of Themis Hatzinikolaou
For More Photographs: Photo Gallery