Migrants- Dafia

Surname: Theodorides
Name: Mihail
Year of Birth:  1941
Father's Name: Therapon
Mother's Name:   Elisabeth Vavladelli (Tsakrani, Asia Minor)
Siblings: Anastasios, Dimitrios, Galani (Kathigitou)
Year of Arrival in Australia: 1965
Sponsor: Dimitrios Theodorides (my brother) 

Evdokia Limberi (Kalymnos) 

Children:  Elisabeth, Therapon, Emmanouil, Haralambos (Robert)
City of Residence: Sydney 
Livelihood: Small Business- take-away shops 


Above: At the panygiri of Agia Triada, with: my brother-in-law, Haralambos; my sister, Galini; myself; and my friend, Efstratios Parmakellis.

Above Right: At Parakila, on Archangels’ Feast Day (Novemebr 8). L-R: IgnatiosKalogirou, Dimitrios (Parakila), Georgios Tsangas (Parakila) and myself. 
Above: During my National Service (1962).
Above Right: With my wife, Evdokia, in our take-away shop in North Rocks, Sydney (1989-90).