Migrants- Vatousa


Family Name: Kougellis (Kougious)
Year Of Birth:  1941
Father' Name: Mihail (Kougious)
Mother's Name:   Polyxeni Mamatsi
Siblings:  Andonios, Christos, Domeniki
Year of Arrival in Australia: 1955
D.E.M.E Gov't Sponsored Program
Irini Kyriakou (Ambeliko, Lesvos)
Children:  Mihail, Nektarios, Myrsini
City of Residence: Sydney
Small Business- shops



Above Left: This family photograph was taken in our home at Waterloo. Circa late- 1950's

Above Right: Out with my employer at the time, Dimitris Stathis- his friends and family. I am first on the right.

Above: Cutting the cake at my wedding with my wife, Irini Kyrakou. (1965).