Migrants- Stavros


Surname Psomadellis
Name: Efstratios
Year of Birth:   1939
Father's Name: Konstantinos (Ambeliko)
Mother's Name:   Maria Keramidiari  
Siblings:  Georgia (Paradissi), Sultana (Kourahani), Anthoula
Year of Arrival in Australia: 1965
Sponsor:    Anthoula (my sister)
Married: Myrsini Soulakelli (Stavros)
Children:  Konstantinos, Panagiotis, Maria
City of Residence: Sydney, Australia
 Livelihood: Small Business- shops


Above: My father, Kostas, at an old age.

Above Right: With my wife, Myrsini, on our wedding day.

Above: Piraeus, 1964. Leaving for Australia. My father-in-law, Panagiotis Soulakellis, is holding my son, Kostas. My father is on the left. Other villagers include: Nikolaos Paradissis, and Nikolaos Laskaris.


Above: After I arrived in Australia, I worked in the British Motor Company for three years. I am on the right, while Panagiotis Hatzichrisafis (Agiassos) is in the middle.

Above Right: My uncle and auntie, Panagiotis and Kostantina Keramidiaris.

Above: With my wife, Myrsini, and our children, Kostas, Maria and Panagiotis.