Migrants- Agia Paraskevi


Surname: Konstantelli
Name:  Stella 
Life:  1925
Father' Name: Christofas (Agia Paraskevi)
Mother's Name:    Maria Hatzidimitriou (Agia Paraskevi)
 Siblings:    Georgios, Eleni (Karakonstanti), Katina 

Year of Arrival in Australia:

Sponsor:      Georgios Konstantellis (my brother)
Married:       Georgios Danginis (Alatsada, Asia Minor)
City of Residence: Broken Hill and Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
 Livelihood:   Small Business- Mikato Milk Bar


Above: My mother, Maria (right)- holding her grandson, Kostas Halios, and Efterpi Haliou.

Above Right: With my sister, Katina.



Above: Sewing outside Aliki Zoga's house. L-R: Aliki herself, myself, and my sister, Katina.

Above Right: Athens, 1953. With Christos Hatzidimitriou, who escorted me to Piraeus, as I was leaving for Australia.


Above: At the National Cafe in Henty, Victoria, which was owned by my sister, Eleni, and her husband, Georgios Karakonstantis (George Kostas). and Nikolaos and Anna Anagnostou, at the time. L-R: my sister-in-law, Efterpi; my brother-in-law, Georgios Karakonstantis; myself; my sister, Eleni; my husband, Georgios Danginis and; Anna and Nikolaos Anagnostou. Circa late 1950's. 

Above Right: With my husband, Georgios Danginis. 


Above: In our family business, the Mikato Milk Bar. My husband and I owned it from 1956 to 1970. 

Above Right: On the RMHS Patris, and returning to Greece for a holiday (1964). My husband and I are third and fourth from the left respectively. 


Above: Broken Hill. At the Greek Hall with my sister, Eleni's family. L-R: my husband, Georgios- who is holding Esta Savva; myself; my niece, Mary Kostas (standing); my brother-in-law, Georgios; and my sister, Eleni.