Miigrants- Sykaminia


Family Name: Tsindris
Name:  Andonios 
1915- 1993
Father' Name: Georgios
Mother's Name:    Elizabeth
Siblings:    Fotini, Ioanna, Efstratios

Year of Arrival in Australia:

Sponsor:      D.E.M.E Gov't Sponsored Program
Married:       Polyniki Karaiskaki 
Children:      Maria, Georgios
City of Residence: Sydney
 Livelihood:   Machine Operator- The Glass Factory



Above: Antonis (left) in the army. Circa 1936

Above Right: A family portrait of the Tsintris family in Bonagila. Antonis worked in various places for 18 months, while the family remained in the migrant hostel.

Above: A Christmas party at the Glass factory. Here are Giorgos and Maria receiving gifts from Santa. Circa 1955