Vatousa- Migrants

Family Name: Fanara
Name:  Aspasia
Year Of Birth:   1946
Father' Name: Christos
Mother's Name:    Fotini Zeribekis
Siblings:    Panagiotis

Year of Arrival in Australia:

Sponsor:      Sarandos Vavladellis
Married:       Theodoros Voumvellis (Kalloni)
Children:      Haralambos, Fotini
City of Residence: Sydney


Above Left: With my mother, Fotini (Zeibekis), outside our home. 

Above Right: A family photograph with my parents Christos and Fotini, and my brother, Panagiotis.    


Above Left: At Vatousa's "Vrises" with Rinoula Karamihallelis.

Above Right: With my friends on an excursion. Standing are: Irene (Karamihalis), Irene (Staras)Maianthi (Dimitriou),

Dora (Spinellis), and Despina (Koutsabaldivis). Sitting are: myself, Eleni Frangou and Giannoula (Kermoutsellis)on the end.