Ouzo, "Anaptixi" and an Unforgetable Time
Sunday, March 15, 2009 Submitted by Vasilios Roumeliotis
Despite the testing weather conditions, the Pallesviaki Enosis of Melbourne and Victoria held another successful Festival of Ouzo at the Mytilenian Village, Bayswater (Melbourne).
Kleathis Koromilas, Vasilis Roumeliotis and Gerasimos Venetis (Above Left), and "Anaptixi" in full swing (Above Right).
The Festival was given extra significance this year with the appearance of the musical group from Agiassos (Lesvos), " Anaptixi", who members spread good cheer and a festive time with their unforgetable playing and singing, which lasted for several hours.
Above: Two photographs of the dancing Women's Auxiliary- led by Marigo- and Mr Karanikolas- having a great time.
Accompanying the musical group were: Presidents of two Cutural Associations from Lesvos: Mr Gerasimos Venetis from "Pano Skala" Mytilene and Mr Kleanthis Koromilas from "Anagnostirio" Agiassos.
Editor's Note: We would like to thank Vasilis Roumeliotis for all his help with the article and photographs. His help shows Syndesmos is acquiring links to other Mytilenian groups- on a national level. Na' sai panda kala, Vasili!!!!