Migrants- Agia Paraskevi


Surname: Armadas
Name: Dimitrios 
Life:  1923- 1990
Father's Name: Stephanos (Aivali, Asia Minor) 
Mother's Name:   Victoria Vamvaka (Aivali, Asia Minor) 
Siblings: Efstratios 
Year of Arrival in Australia: 1937
Sponsor: "Stan" Kostas (Agia Parakevi)
Married: Stavroula Karakonstanti (Agia Paraskevi)
Children:  Victoria, Garoufalanthi
City of Residence: Macksville, New South Wales, Australia
Livelihood: Small Business- The Bridge Cafe 


Above: His parents, Stefanos and Victoria.

Above Right: Wingham, New South Wales. In the late, 1930's.


Above: With friends. Dimitrios (right) was serving in the Australian Land Corps (in the Second World War) at the time.

Above Right: In the kitchen of the Bridge Cafe, Macksville. L-R: his sybetheri and partners, Marianthi and Ioannis Kafes; Dimitrios himself; his wife, Stavroula; and horiano, "Stan" Kostas.


Above: With horiani, Alkis, Chrystofia and Andonios Tsakiirs at the counter of the Bridge Cafe. .