Migrants- Stypsi


Surname: Valiondi
Name: Penelope
Year of Birth:   1934
Father's Name: Mihail (Stypsi) 
Mother's Name:   Erifili Moliviatou (Stypsi) 
Siblings: Georgios, Apostolos, Artemis (Giatzitzoglou), Andonios
Year of Arrival in Australia: 1958
Sponsor:    Andonios Valiondis (my brother)
Married: Nikolaos Kontos (Velanidia, Lakonias)
Children:  Ioannis, Matina
City of Residence: Sydney
Livelihood: Small Business- shops


Above: The Valiondis family. Standing from left, we are: Georgios, Artemis, myself and Apostolos.

Above Right: With friends at Agio Theraponda at Agia Paraskevi.


Above: With my cousin, Eleni Karandanis.

Above Right: The Kontos family.  With myhusband, Nikos, and our children, Mihalis and Erifili.

Above: Family and relatives. From left, we are: my brother, Apostolos, and his wife, Olga; my sister-in-law, Toula, Pericles and Eleni Karandanis; and my husband, Nikos, and I.